Year 11 into 12 Transition

We invest a significant amount of time in making sure our Sixth Form students are ready to start Year 12. The step-up from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 is often a challenging one.

The aim of these transition days is to support students on their journey into Year 12 both academically and socially.

Students will spend time in each of their chosen subjects and be given summer transition work for each of their subjects to lay the foundations for study and demonstrate commitment to learning.

It is strongly recommended that students complete the transition work for the three subjects chosen over the summer months.

Over the course of the transition days, students will spend some time in the Sixth Form common room to meet new students.

All resources given out during the transition days and will also be published on our website for students to access. 

Our Year 11 into 12 transition day will fall on Thursday 11 July 2024.