Financial Information

The school currently employs one staff member whose gross salary exceeds £100,000.  

Financial Benchmarking

To find out more about our financial benchmarking, please follow this link:

16-19 Tuition Funding - 2021-2022

At the Archbishop's School the 16-19 Tuition Fund is being used as follows:

Primarily the fund will be used to provide small groups tuition (up to 5 students) for sixth form students who have not yet achieved a grade 4 or above in English and/or Mathematics or who have a grade 4 or above in English and/or Mathematics, but are from an economically disadvantaged background and would need catch-up support.

The provision will not be limited to tuition for English and Mathematics, but will also be used to help students studying other subjects that have been disrupted, including vocational and/or academic learning, following on from the Covid 19 pandemic.

Students with special educational needs and disabilities, who require additional tuition to help them catch up with their studies will also be supported by this provision.

Tuition support offered will be based on an individual needs' assessment; and may include:

*  GCSE re-sit preparation

*  IAG

*  Academic mentoring

*  Subject specific support

The impact of these sessions will be monitored based on student performance and progress in their courses and their preparation for, and confidence in applying to future destinations, including higher education, employment and apprenticeships.