Governing Body

The Governing Board of The Archbishop’s School is made up of 21 volunteers, supported by a governance professional, whose role is to provide clerical support and procedural advice.

The 21 volunteers include parents, staff, people nominated by the Diocese, as we are a Foundation school, people nominated by the Local Authority, and people ‘co-opted’ (chosen) by the school, specifically for the skills they bring to the Governing Board.

At the moment, that means we have Governors who have experience in Health and Safety, in Finance, in Marketing and in student wellbeing, among others. 

In the strictest sense, the Governors employ the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team. We don’t do this without support and consultation from the Local Authority, from the Diocese and from other education experts.  The Governors have strategic oversight of the whole school.

As Governors, our purpose is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership which leads to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for education and financial performance. 

We have three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for educational performance of the organisation and its students, and effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organization and making sure its money is well spent.

In addition, and at the very heart of the work we undertake as Governors, is the role the Governing Board has in upholding and developing the distinctive Christian character of The Archbishop’s School.

We are fortunate at the moment, in that the Chair of Governors is Mrs K Stoner, a retired Headteacher who has significant experience with improving schools. Under Kim’s leadership, the Governing Board have recently steered the school to a return to financial stability and have begun to see a significant improvement in results, behaviour and perhaps most importantly, student wellbeing. 

We fully support Mr Elliott’s vision to see the school become the school of choice for young people coming into Kent from areas of conflict and fear, while also upholding and improving opportunities for long term Kent residents. 

If you have any queries for the Governing Board, comments, feedback or other communications, please contact them via their clerk, Miss A Smith on

Governor Roles

NOTE: Please use the scroll facility at the bottom of the table to view columns to the right

Name Governor Type Term From Term To Additional Information Roles Email
Mrs Vicki Beatty Co-opted Governor
08 September 2019 09 September 2027   Health And Safety
Mrs Karen Brady Associate Member N/A N/A Assistant Headeacher
Mr Michael Chilton Parent Governor
29 March 2022 29 March 2026   Pupil Premium
Mr Richard Clarke Associate Member
N/A N/A Assistant Headeacher
Mr David Elliott Headteacher
20 June 2019 N/A Headteacher
Mr Giles Gleadall Associate Member
01 September 2020 31 August 2024 Deputy Headteacher
Mr Adam Knoupe Associate Member
  18 July 2026 Assistant Headeacher
Mr Leon Labovitch Parent Governor
24 January 2021 23 January 2025
Miss Sarah Martin Associate Member
NA NA Assistant Headeacher
Dr John Moss Co-opted Governor
06 December 2021 5 December 2025   Curriculum
Mrs Sarah O'Hara Co-opted Governor
26 January 2021 25 January 2025 SEND SEND Governor so'
Mr Mike Rayner Co-opted Governor
29 August 2019 31 August 2027   CIEAG/Sixth Form
Mrs Kim Stoner Foundation Governor
03 January 2019 02 January 2027   Chair - Team Around the School
Mrs Rebecca Swansbury Foundation Governor
06 August 2019 01 September 2027  

Christian Character
Mrs Susan Tilstone Associate Member
18 July 2022 17 July 2026 Assistant Headeacher Christian Distinctiveness
Revd Dr David van Krieken Vannerley Foundation Governor
01 September 2015 31 August 2027   Vice Chair - Finance
Dr Christopher Russell Local Authority Governor
(Kent County Council)
12 September 2022 11 December 2026
Ms Claire Lidyard Associate Member     Assistant Headeacher
Reverend Dawn Watson Associate Member 25 April 2023 24 April 2027 Associate Member of Foundation Committee
Mr Mark Newington Parent Governor 01 April 2024  31 March 2028   Child Protection and Safeguarding
Mrs Dawn Evans Staff Governor  30 January 2024 29 January 2028

Clerk to the Governing Body 

Miss A Smith


1 Local Authority; 3 Parents; 1 Headteacher; 4 Co-opted; 3 Foundation (incl Ex Officio); 8 Associate (Advisory; Non-Voting); 1 Staff

Associate Members sit in an advisory capacity only and do not have voting rights. 
